Updates I guess

Haha haven't done this in like 2 months. Well let's see. For our new TSA club, we had our study halls switched so we could work on our project for competition. We haven't really done anything g yet except screw around, code, and play with this airplane simulator we got. The only real people I have to talk to in this club are Bill and my ex boyfriend. I forgot if I've ever mentioned my ex boyfriend before so I'll just make up a new name for him. We'll call him Jay. I'm fairly comfortable around Jay now but for a while the sight of him pissed me off. I was fairly hormonal for a little bit last year a whenever I was on my period I would just develop a new crush. Well Jay started being really nice to me and I could tell he liked me so after like 4 days of talking we started dating. Now homeboy moved a little fast. He told me he loved after like day 2 and that he wanted to go to college with me and shit. Now to my defense I thought we were just gonna be fucking around yk? But this dude was intense. After like the 5th day I had already decided I couldn't take this guy anymore. Everytime he texted me, I had a freak out. So eventually I just started being neglectful, hoping he would think I was a shitty person and break up with me. He did after 2 weeks and I was finally free of him. Let me tell you those were the shittiest 2 weeks of my life. ANYWAY so in class I would sit next to him and Bill since none of us really had any other friends in there. We had this field trip to this steel place coming up and I had just planned to hang out with them. But what I didn't know was, there was this other club coming with us. And in the other club was one of Bill's best friends and one of Jay's best friends. So that left me to make new friends. Which I didn't really have to since I already had these other two girls that I was fairly comfortable around but i hadn't talked to either of them in years. So I was basically alone. But anyway it was a great trip so no complaints. That was probably a mo th ago and since then, Bill, Jay, and I have gotten to be better friends. Oh yeah Bill and his GiRlFrIeNd broke up:). Idk how I feel ab it though. Prom is coming up and I don't really want to go. Whenever I tell people that they're like "WHAT?!?? YOU HAVE TO GO. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!?" and it's only me they respond to like this. Like chill tf out. I don't want to be in a room where everyone has a dat except me. Even the weird girls, which has never made since to me. But anyway bye for now :D


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