This Guy (Part 2)

So him (for the remainder of the story I'll call him Bill) and Jessie are dating right. Well I start to learn quickly, Jessie is an extremely jealous person. Everyday she accused Bill of cheating and comparing him to her ex. So every single day, every single minute he's just constantly trying to explain to her that he loves her and all this shit. Well she doesn't care for it. She accuses me, my friend who happens to be from Italy, and a few other girls in my class of flirting with him. So one day im texting Ashley. (Ashley and Jessie are in the same class and some what friends). I had just given Bill 50 dollars for a deal I made with him. Apparently word travels quickly because within a minute, Ashley is texting me, " I heard you paid Bill 50 dollars". And im like "yeah haha howd you know, tha5 was like a mintute or two ago" well her next text is kinda sus. She doesnt answer my question and she starts talking like how jessie used to talk to me. So i know im no longer talking to ashley... im talking to Jessie. Well she starts questioning me on what im doing with Bill amd shit all while trying to pass herself as ashley. Well i say "nothing much, im just sitting here" and then i text her "is jessie still being paranoid about Bill". And she says "yeah he talks weird to girls and has bern lying" amd so i respond "really?? All he ever does is talk about how much he loves her". You see, i said that because at that point i was really rooting on them to work out and i wanted to help. Well apparently i didnt do a thing because she kept accusing him of all this shit. 


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