wtf... I leave school for one day (follow up)
So I've been thinking about what could have happened between Bill and Jessie. I was assuming that Jessie broke up with Bill. BUT. I think I've had it all wrong. I think what most likely happened was Bill broke up with Jessie. Now I can't just go around making false claims without any backup evidence, right? So. Here is why I think Bill broke up Jessie. Whenever I was still friends with Jessie, she would date this one guy. Let's call him... Jay. Well every time Jay would break up with Jessie, she would find some other guy to make him jealous. This is the same way she has found a new guy to replace Bill now. Another reason is when I stopped being friends with her, she unadded me on snapchat first even though I wasn't going to. Well she unfollowed Bill on Instagram but Bill still follows her. Another reason, Bill deleted the post with her in it but she still has hers on her page. So what I think happened is he got sick of her shit and broke up with her. She got pissed...