Haha haven't done this in like 2 months. Well let's see. For our new TSA club, we had our study halls switched so we could work on our project for competition. We haven't really done anything g yet except screw around, code, and play with this airplane simulator we got. The only real people I have to talk to in this club are Bill and my ex boyfriend. I forgot if I've ever mentioned my ex boyfriend before so I'll just make up a new name for him. We'll call him Jay. I'm fairly comfortable around Jay now but for a while the sight of him pissed me off. I was fairly hormonal for a little bit last year a whenever I was on my period I would just develop a new crush. Well Jay started being really nice to me and I could tell he liked me so after like 4 days of talking we started dating. Now homeboy moved a little fast. He told me he loved after like day 2 and that he wanted to go to college with me and shit. Now to my defense I thought we were just gonna be fucking a...