
Showing posts from September, 2021

This Guy (Part 6)

So today in engineering, I was sitting at my computer near these big tables and "xander", "robert", and "bill" were standing at the big tables talking and occasionally they'll say something funny that me and "gordan" will laugh at, and then xander all the sudden goes "I feel like bill and [My Name] would end up getting married" and I just pretended like I didn't hear it. But Bill didn't say a word like he didnt deny nor confirm anything, he just stood there. And Gordan and Robert are like "HAHAHAHA YEAH" and they're just all laughing while neither of us say a thing. I'm not sure what or if it means anything but I thought it was an interesting moment. I mean if he for sure didn't like me he would have said it right??

This Guy (Part 5)

So he sent his streaks on snapchat and HE WAS WITH JESSIE IN HIS CAR!  I just I can't with these morons.

This Guy (Part 4)

So I thought we were getting along great. We sat next to each other voluntarily 2 or 3 times but yesterday this cunt pissed me off so bad. We have this class together called D.E. or Digital Electronics. Well he finished breadboarding before I did because I just cant figure out what's wrong with mine. So yesterday I text him and say "*cough* you should like help me on Thursday with my board" and he said no. So I say "c'mon just for like 5 mintues pleaseee" and he says no. And I say "why nottt" and THIS MF JUST LEAVES ME ON OPEN. Now I usually would get mad about this. I mean if he doesn't want to help me that's fine. BUT I HELPED HIM SO MUCH LAST YEAR. WE MADE ELEVATORS AND HIS WOULDN'T GO UP, SO I TOOK THE LIBERTY OF COPYING MY CODE FILE ONTO MY FLASHDRIVE AND PUT IT ON HIS COMPUTER. AND SO HE TOOK MY CODE AND CHANGED IT A LITTLE TO MAKE SEEM MORE LIKE HIS, AND HE SOMEHOW FUCKED IT UP AGAIN. SO I TOLD HIM WHAT HE DID WRONG. I HELPED HIM...